

114 ‘Antivirus’ yang Harus Dihindari

Tahun 2009 ini, sejumlah ‘antivirus’ bertanggungjawab atas terinfeksinya lebih dari 25 juta komputer di seluruh dunia. Tidak hanya itu, ‘antivirus’ itu juga merampas nyaris sekitar 30 juta mesin.
Akar dari permasalahannya sebenarnya sederhana. Pembuat ‘antivirus’ tersebut menggunakan teknik social engineering lewat berbagai metode untuk meyakinkan korban untuk membayar atau menginstalasikan software ‘antivirus’ tersebut.

Desember 2009, Microsoft telah mengumpulkan daftar yang terdiri dari 114 antivirus palsu yang berhasil dideteksi oleh Microsoft Security Essentials –software ‘antivirus’ resmi buatan Microsoft,– Forefront Client Security, dan lain-lain.

Perlu dicatat, nama aplikasi yang ada di daftar merupakan nama yang diberikan oleh Microsoft. Tidak menutup kemungkinan, aplikasi tersebut terdeteksi dengan nama lain pada komputer yang berbeda.

Pengguna yang tiba-tiba ditawari untuk menginstalasikan software pengamanan saat menjelajah Internet perlu curiga dan memastikan bahwa penawaran tersebut sungguh-sungguh.

Microsoft, dan juga pemain lainnya di industri selalu mengupdate informasi seputar ancaman yang datang pada pengguna. Termasuk di antaranya adalah ‘antivirus’ seperti tersebut di atas. Adapun laporannya tersedia lengkap di situs mereka dan dapat diakses oleh publik kapan pun dan di manapun.

Adapun daftar lengkap ke-114 software ‘antivirus’ yang wajib dihindari oleh pengguna internet dapat Anda simak di sini.
1. Win32/FakeXPA – Aliases: Win-Trojan/Downloader.56320.M (AhnLab), Win32/Adware.XPAntivirus (ESET), not-a-virus:Downloader.Win32XpAntivirus.b (Kaspersky), FakeAlert-AB.dldr (McAfee), W32/DLoader.FKAI (Norman), Mal/Generic-A (Sophos), XPAntivirus (Sunbelt Software), Downloader.MisleadApp (Symantec), XP Antivirus (other), Antivirus 2009 (other), Antivirus 2010 (other), Antivirus 360 (other), Total Security (other), AntivirusBEST (other), GreenAV (other), Alpha Antivirus, other), AlphaAV (other), Cyber Security (other), Cyber Protection Center (other), Nortel (other), Eco AntiVirus (other), MaCatte (other), Antivirus (other), Antivir (other), Personal Security (other).

2. Trojan:Win32/FakePowav– Aliases: Win Antivirus 2008 (other), SpyShredder (other), WinXProtector (other), Rapid Antivirus (other), Security 2009 (other), Power Antivirus 2009 (other), WinXDefender (other), SpyProtector (other), SpyGuarder (other), MSAntiMalware (other).

3. Program:Win32/MalwareBurn

4. Program:Win32/UnSpyPc

5. Program:Win32/DriveCleaner – Aliases: DriveCleaner (McAfee), W32/WinFixer.NU (Norman), DriveCleaner (Sunbelt Software), DriveCleaner (Symantec), Freeloa.8F4CBEAA (Trend Micro).

6. Trojan:Win32/DocrorTrojan

7. Program:Win32/Winfixer – Aliases: DriveCleaner (McAfee), W32/WinFixer.NU (Norman), DriveCleaner (Sunbelt Software), DriveCleaner (Symantec), Freeloa.8F4CBEAA (Trend Micro), Win32/Adware.WinFixer (ESET), not-a-virus:Downloader.Win32.WinFixer.o (Kaspersky), WinFixer (McAfee), Adware_Winfixer (Trend Micro), Program:Win32/DriveCleaner (other), Program:Win32/SecureExpertCleaner (other).

8. Trojan:Win32/FakeScanti – Aliases: Windows Antivirus Pro (other), Windows Police Pro (other), Win32/WindowsAntivirusPro.F (CA), FakeAlert-GA.dll (McAfee), Adware/WindowsAntivirusPro (Panda), Trojan.Fakeavalert (Symantec).

9. Program:Win32/Cleanator

10. Program:Win32/MalwareCrush

11. Program:Win32/PrivacyChampion

12. Program:Win32/SystemLiveProtect

13. Win32/Yektel

14. Trojan:Win32/FakeSmoke – Aliases: SystemCop (other), QuickHealCleaner (other), TrustWarrior (other); SaveArmor (other), SecureVeteran (other), SecuritySoldier (other), SafeFighter (other), TrustSoldier (other), TrustFighter (other), SoftCop (other), TRE AntiVirus (other), SoftBarrier (other), BlockKeeper (other), BlockScanner (other), BlockProtector (other), SystemFighter (other), SystemVeteran (other), SystemWarrior (other), AntiAID (other), Win32/WinBlueSoft.A (CA), Trojan-Downloader.Win32.FraudLoad.vtgpk (Kaspersky), WinBlueSoft (other), WiniBlueSoft (other), Winishield (other), SaveKeep (other), WiniFighter (other), TrustNinja (other), SaveDefense (other), BlockDefense (other), SaveSoldier (other), WiniShield (other), SafetyKeeper (other), SoftSafeness (other), SafeDefender (other), Trustcop (other), SecureWarrior (other), SecureFighter (other), SoftSoldier (other), SoftVeteran (other), SoftStronghold (other), ShieldSafeness (other).

15. Program:Win32/Spyguarder.A

16. Program:Win32/AntivirusGold

17. Program:Win32/SystemGuard2009

18. Program:Win32/WorldAntiSpy

19. Program:Win32/SpywareSecure – Aliases: W32/SpyAxe.AMI (Norman), SpywareSecure (Panda), SpywareSecure (Sunbelt Software), SpywareSecure (Symantec).

20. Program:Win32/IEDefender – Aliases: Win32/Burgspill.AD (CA), IEAntivirus (Symantec), Trojan.DR.FakeAlert.FJ (VirusBuster).

21. Program:Win32/MalWarrior

22. Program:Win32/Malwareprotector

23. Program:Win32/SpywareSoftStop

24. Program:Win32/AntiSpyZone

25. Program:Win32/Antivirus2008 – Aliases: Trojan.FakeAlert.RL (BitDefender), Win32/Adware.Antivirus2008 (ESET), not-a-virus:Downloader.Win32.FraudLoad.ar (Kaspersky), WinFixer (McAfee), W32/DLoader.HDZU (Norman), Troj/Dwnldr-HDG (Sophos), ADW_FAKEAV.O (Trend Micro), Program:Win32/VistaAntivirus2008.A (other), MS Antivirus (CA).

26. Trojan:Win32/PrivacyCenter – Aliases: Fake_AntiSpyware.BKN (AVG), Win32/FakeAV.ACR (CA), Win32/Adware.PrivacyComponents (ESET), not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.PrivacyCenter (other), not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.Agent.jn (Kaspersky), FakeAlert-CP (McAfee), Troj/PrvCnt-Gen (Sophos), SpywareGuard2008 (Symantec).

27. Program:Win32/SpyLocked

28. Program:Win32/Trojanguarder

29. Program:Win32/MyBetterPC

30. Program:Win32/NeoSpace

31. Win32/Winwebsec - Aliases: SystemSecurity2009 (other), System Security (other), Winweb Security (other), FakeAlert-WinwebSecurity.gen (McAfee), Mal/FakeAV-AK (Sophos), Troj/FakeVir-LB (Sophos), Adware/AntiSpywarePro2009 (Panda), Adware/UltimateCleaner (Panda), Adware/Xpantivirus2008 (Panda), Win32/Adware.SystemSecurity (ESET), Win32/Adware.WinWebSecurity (ESET), AntiVirus2008 (Symantec), SecurityRisk.Downldr (Symantec), W32/AntiVirus2008.AYO (Norman), Total Security (other), AntiSpyware Pro 2009 (other), FakeAlert-AntiSpywarePro (McAfee).

32. Trojan:Win32/FakeRemoc - Aliases: AntiMalwareSuite (other), VirusRemover2009 (other), PCAntiMalware (other), Total Virus Protection (other), SpywareRemover2009 (other), AntiMalwareGuard (other), Secure Expert Cleaner (other), Cleaner2009 Freeware (other), AVCare (other), AV Care (other).

33. Program:Win32/SpywareStormer

34. Program:Win32/SecurityiGuard

35. Program:Win32/DoctorCleaner

36. Program:Win32/UniGray

37. Win32/FakeSecSen – Aliases: Micro AV (other), MS Antivirus (other), Spyware Preventer (other), Vista Antivirus 2008 (other), Advanced Antivirus (other), System Antivirus (other), Ultimate Antivirus 2008 (other), Windows Antivirus 2008 (other), XPert Antivirus (other), Power Antivirus (other).

38. Program:Win32/VirusRemover – Aliases: Troj/FakeVir-DR (Sophos), VirusRemover2008 (Symantec), ADW_FAKEVIR (Trend Micro).

39. Program:Win32/Privacywarrior

40. Program:Win32/PrivacyProtector

41. Adware:Win32/SpyBlast

42. Trojan:Win32/FakeFreeAV

43. Win32/FakeRean - Aliases: XP AntiSpyware 2009 (other), XP Security Center (other), PC Antispyware 2010 (other), Home Antivirus 2010 (other), PC Security 2009 (other), ADW_WINREANIMA (Trend Micro), Win32/Adware.WinReanimator (ESET), not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.Reanimator (Kaspersky), WinReanimator (Sunbelt Software), XP Police Antivirus (other), FakeAlert-XPPoliceAntivirus (McAfee), Adware/XPPolice (Panda), AntiSpyware XP 2009 (other), Antivirus Pro 2010 (other).

44. Program:Win32/Antivirus2009 – Aliases: Win32/Adware.XPAntivirus (ESET), FakeAlert-AB.gen (McAfee), MalwareWarrior (other), Antivirus2009 (other).

45. Program:Win32/AntiSpywareDeluxe – Aliases: Adware.Fakealert-134 (Clam AV), Win32/Adware.AntiSpywareDeluxe (ESET), FraudTool.Win32.AntiSpywareDeluxe.a (Kaspersky), AntispyDeluxe (Symantec), TROJ_RENOS.CP (Trend Micro).

46. Program:Win32/Searchanddestroy

47. Program:Win32/AlfaCleaner

48. Program:Win32/WebSpyShield

49. Win32/InternetAntivirus – Aliases: InternetAntivirus (Symantec), General Antivirus (other), Personal Antivirus (other), not-a-virus:FraudTool:Win32.GeneralAntivirus.b (Kaspersky), Mal/FakeAV-AC (Sophos), TrojanDownloader:Win32/Renos.gen!Z (other), Fraudtool.GeneralAntivirus.C (VirusBuster), Internet Antivirus Pro (other).

50. Trojan:Win32/Antivirusxp – Aliases: Antivirus XP 2008 (other), Win32/Adware.WinFixer (ESET), Generic FakeAlert.a (McAfee), W32/WinFixer.BTB (Norman), Troj/FakeAV-AB (Sophos), AntiVirus2008 (Symantec), Program:Win32/Antivirusxp (other).

51. Program:Win32/ErrorGuard

52. Program:Win32/SpyCrush

53. Trojan:Win32/Fakeav

54. Program:Win32/Spyaway

55. Trojan:Win32/WinSpywareProtect – Aliases: Win32/Adware.WinSpywareProtect (ESET), Trojan-Downloader.Win32.FraudLoad.aob (Kaspersky), WinSpywareProtect (Symantec), Program:Win32/WinSpywareProtect (other), Trojan.FakeAV.GP (BitDefender), Win32/Adware.MSAntispyware2009 (ESET), Packed.Win32.Katusha.a (Kaspersky), FaleAlert-BV (McAfee), Adware/MSAntiSpyware2009 (Panda), Fraudtool.MSAntispy2009.A (VirusBuster), MS Antispyware 2009 (other), AV Antispyware (other), Extra Antivirus (other).

56. Program:Win32/Fakerednefed – Aliases: WinDefender 2008 (other), Program:Win32/Defendwin (other), Program:Win32/Windefender (other).

57. Program:Win32/Antispyware2008

58. Program:Win32/EZCatch

59. Program:Win32/EvidenceEraser

60. Program:Win32/Vaccine2008

61. Win32/FakeSpypro – Aliases: FakeAlert-C.dr (McAfee), SpywareProtect2009 (Symantec), Troj/FakeAV-LS (Sophos), Win32/Adware.SpywareProtect2009 (ESET), .Win32.FraudPack.kho (Kaspersky), Spyware Protect 2009 (other), Antivirus System Pro (other), Security Central (other), Barracuda Antivirus (other).

62. Trojan:Win32/FakeCog – Aliases: Win32/Adware.CoreguardAntivirus (ESET), not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.CoreGuard2009 (Kaspersky), FakeAlert-FQ (McAfee) , W32/Renos.FIP (Norman) , Mal/TDSSPack-L (Sophos), CoreGuardAntivirus2009 (Symantec), Fraudtool.CoreGuard2009.A (VirusBuster), CoreGuard Antivirus 2009 (other).

63. Program:Win32/AntiVirGear

64. Adware:Win32/VaccineProgram

65. Program:Win32/TrustCleaner

66. Program:Win32/SearchSpy

67. Program:Win32/AntiSpywareExpert – Aliases: Win32/Adware.AntiSpywareMaster (ESET), Generic.Win32.Malware.AntiSpywareExpert (other), WinFixer (McAfee), AVSystemCare (Symantec), AntiSpywareExpert (Trend Micro), not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.AntiSpywareExpert.a (Kaspersky).

68. Program:Win32/VirusRanger – Aliases: VirusRescue (Symantec) .

69. Program:Win32/SpyDawn

70. Program:Win32/UltimateFixer

71. Program:Win32/WinHound

72. Program:Win32/Spyshield

73. Program:Win32/SpySheriff – Aliases: Win32.TrojanDownloader.IEDefender (Ad-Aware), MagicAntiSpy (Sunbelt Software), Adware.SpySheriff (Symantec), SpyShredder (Symantec), IEDefender (other), Malware Destructor (other), SpySheriff (other), SpyShredder (other).

74. Program:Win32/Antispycheck – Aliases: Win32/Adware.AntiSpyCheck (ESET), AntiSpyCheck (Symantec).

75. Program:Win32/SpywareIsolator – Aliases: not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.SpywareIsolator.ad (Kaspersky), SpywareIsolator (Symantec).

76. Program:Win32/SpyFalcon

77. Program:Win32/PrivacyRedeemer

78. Trojan:Java/VirusConst

79. Trojan:Win32/FakeVimes – Aliases: FakeAlert-CQ (McAfee), Extra Antivirus (other), Ultra Antivirus 2009 (other), Malware Catcher 2009 (other), Virus Melt (other), Windows PC Defender (other).

80. Program:Win32/PCSave – Aliases: Win-Trojan/Pcsave.339456 (AhnLab), PCSave (McAfee).

81. Program:Win32/PSGuard

82. Program:Win32/SpywareStrike

83. Program:Win32/Nothingvirus

84. Trojan:Win32/AVClean

85. Trojan:Win32/FakeIA.C - Aliases: Win32/FakeAlert.RW (CA), Dropped:Trojan.FakeAv.DS (BitDefender), FakeAlert-AB (McAfee), Trojan.Fakeavalert (Symantec), not-a-virus:FraudTool.Win32.Delf.d (Kaspersky).

86. Program:Win32/AntispyStorm

87. Program:Win32/Antivirustrojan

88. Program:Win32/XDef

89. Program:Win32/AntiSpywareSoldier

90. Program:Win32/AdsAlert

91. Program:Win32/AdvancedCleaner – Aliases: AdvancedCleaner (Symantec).

92. Program:Win32/FakePccleaner - Aliases: Program:Win32/Pccleaner (other), Win32/Adwrae.PCClean (ESET), Backdoor.Win32.UltimateDefender.hu (Kaspersky), PCClean (Symantec), Program:Win32/UltimateCleaner (other).

93. Program:Win32/SpywareQuake

94. Program:Win32/WareOut – Aliases: WareOut (McAfee), W32/WareOut (Norman), WareOut (Sunbelt Software), SecurityRisk.Downldr (Symantec), Adware.Wareout (AVG).

95. Program:Win32/Kazaap

96. Program:Win32/SystemDefender

97. Trojan:Win32/FakeSpyguard – Aliases: Spyware Guard 2008 (other), Win32/Adware.SpywareGuard (ESET), FakeAlert-BM (McAfee), SpywareGuard2008 (Symantec), ADW_SPYWGUARD (Trend Micro), System Guard 2009 (other), Malware Defender 2009 (other).

98. Program:Win32/SpyHeal

99. Program:Win32/VirusBurst

100. Program:Win32/VirusRescue

101. Program:Win32/TitanShield

102. Program:Win32/Easyspywarecleaner

103. Trojan:Win32/Fakeinit – Aliases: Trojan.FakeAlert.AUW (BitDefender), Win32/FakeAV.ABR (CA), Fraudtool.XPAntivirus.BCVY (VirusBuster), Adware/AntivirusXPPro (Panda), AntiVirus2008 (Symantec), Advanced Virus Remover (other), Win32/AdvancedVirusRemover.G (CA).

104. Program:Win32/AntiVirusPro

105. Program:Win32/CodeClean

106. Trojan:Win32/Spybouncer

107. Program:Win32/MalwareWar

108. Program:Win32/VirusHeat

109. Adware:Win32/SpyAxe – Aliases: VirusHeat (other), ControVirus (other).

110. Program:Win32/Awola – Aliases: not-virus:Hoax.Win32.Avola.a (Kaspersky), Generic FakeAlert.b (McAfee), W32/Awola.A (Norman), Awola (Symantec), JOKE_AVOLA.D (Trend Micro).

111. Program:Win32/MyNetProtector

112. Program:Win32/FakeWSC

113. Program:Win32/DoctorAntivirus

114. Program:Win32/UltimateDefender – Aliases: Ultimate (McAfee), UltimateDefender (Symantec), ADW_ULTIMATED.ME (Trend Micro), Risktool.UltimateDefender.A.Gen (VirusBuster), Adware.UltimateX-15 (Clam AV), Win32/Adware.UltimateDefender (ESET).


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